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Help! My Child is Vaping!

Help! My Child is Vaping!


Pineapple Lemonade.


How could a kid resist?

When many teens started vaping it was about great flavors, water vapor, and fitting in. These factors may have contributed to the number of Cortland County students who reported vaping in the past 30 days nearly doubling from 2017 to 2018. While reported vaping has been declining in Cortland County youth since 2018, 13.9% of Cortland County teens still reported vaping in 2020. While most teens in our community don’t report vaping, as a parent you might discover that your child has been. So what are your next steps?

Rule #1: Don’t Panic!

Yes, vaping is serious and worthy of concern. If your child is caught vaping or admits to vaping, try to stay calm and non-judgmental. Listen, don’t lecture. As a parent, you hold a significant amount of influence over your child’s actions. By having an open dialogue with your child, you will build trust and can help them to stop vaping.  

Rule #2: Be Patient!

It’s OK for your conversation to take place over time, in bits and pieces. Find the right moment. A more natural discussion will increase the likelihood that your child will listen. Rather than saying “we need to talk,” you might ask your child what he or she thinks about a situation you witness together, such as: 

  • Seeing someone use an e-cigarette in person or in a video.
  • Seeing a vaping product or advertisement in a store or on the internet.

Rule #3: Ask for Help!

Ask for support. You can also ask your health care provider to talk to your child about the risks of vaping. You might also suggest that your child talk with other trusted adults, such as relatives, teachers, faith leaders, coaches, or counselors whom you know are aware of the risks of e-cigarettes. These supportive adults can help reinforce your message as a parent.

Educate yourself about the health effects of vaping and text “QUIT” to 202-899-7550 to receive daily advice from the Truth Initiative to help youth quit.