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What You Need To Know About Teen Dating Violence

What You Need To Know About Teen Dating Violence

No one wants to think about their teen or preteen experiencing violence in a relationship. Unfortunately, teen dating violence is an all-too-real problem affecting millions of teenagers yearly. According to the CDC, about 1 in 12 teenagers experience some type of physical or sexual dating violence during their teenage years.1 It’s essential for parents to understand the signs of teen dating violence so they can protect their children and help them stay safe. Let’s take a closer look at what teen dating violence is, how it manifests, and why it’s so important for parents to be aware of it.

What Is Teen Dating Violence?

Teen dating violence is defined as “the physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional aggression within a dating relationship.”2 This includes any attempts to control or harass another person through threats or manipulation, physical force, name calling or shaming, social isolation from friends and family members, stalking behaviors on social media or in person, and any other forms of abuse that occur within the context of a romantic relationship. It can also include financial abuse in which one partner controls the other partner’s access to money or financial resources.

How Does Teen Dating Violence Manifest?

Teen dating violence can manifest in many different ways. Some common signs include possessive behavior (such as constant texting/calling to check up on their partner); controlling behavior (such as dictating what their partner wears); verbal abuse (name calling or insults); physical aggression (hitting, pushing, restraining); stalking behaviors; and digital abuse (manipulating the other person through social media). If your teen is exhibiting any of these behaviors—or if they are displaying signs of being abused by someone else—it’s important to intervene immediately.

Why Is It Important for Parents to Be Aware of Teen Dating Violence?

No one should ever be subjected to any form of abuse in a relationship—and especially not teens who may not have the experience necessary to recognize when something isn’t right. It’s vital for parents to be aware of the signs of teen dating violence so they can intervene if necessary and provide support for their children if they are dealing with an abusive situation. Additionally, talking openly with teens about healthy relationships and teaching them how to recognize warning signs can go a long way towards preventing teen dating violence in the first place.

Teen dating violence is an all-too-common problem affecting millions of teenagers yearly. As a parent, it’s essential that you understand what this type of abuse looks like so you can recognize it if your child ever finds themselves in an unhealthy relationship. By talking openly with your child about healthy relationships and equipping them with the skills they need to identify warning signs early on, you can help keep them safe from harm now and into adulthood.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, February 28). Fast facts: Preventing teen dating violence |violence prevention|injury Center|CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved January 19, 2023, from,12%20experienced%20sexual%20dating%20violence. 

Teen prevention and education programs. Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley. (n.d.). Retrieved January 19, 2023, from,and%20control%20over%20that%20person.