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How to Get Your Teenager to Enjoy Family Game Nights

How to Get Your Teenager to Enjoy Family Game Nights

Have you ever tried to organize a family game night and had your teenager groan in response? If so, you’re not alone! We understand how hard it can be to get your teenager excited about spending quality time with the family, but we also believe it’s important for parents and guardians to try. Spending time and building a bond with your teen is important, especially for their development and well-being. A recent survey in 2021 in Cortland County has shown that teens who report feeling close to both of their parents are much less likely to report binge drinking or smoking cannabis in the past 30 days.1 Teens who are closer to their parents also are less likely to report depressive symptoms.1 After all, when families come together for activities like game nights, everyone benefits from the sense of connection and fun. Here are some tips on how to make family game nights something your teenager will actually look forward to!

Pick the Right Game

The key here is finding a game your teenager will enjoy playing. This means thinking outside the box—not just board games that require strategy or trivia knowledge. Instead, try out some games that let everyone show off their creativity (like charades) or test their reflexes (like musical chairs). Even if they usually don’t like playing board games, they might be surprised by how much fun they have with these alternative options! Some fun board games that your teen might love are Uno, What Do You Meme?, Catan, and even Rumikube! Encourage them to suggest some ideas too—you never know what creative solutions they might come up with.

Make It Interactive

It can be easy for teenagers who aren’t into traditional board games to tune out during family game nights. That’s why it’s important to make sure your night is interactive and engaging—a great way to do this is by making sure that each round of the game has something special in store for whoever wins. This could include anything from an extra life in the next round or a small gift or treat at the end of the night, such as a fun snack or give them the opportunity to watch what they want that night! It doesn’t have to cost you much—just give them something small that lets them know their efforts were appreciated.

Keep It Short

Nobody likes feeling like a prisoner at their own family gathering, so don’t stay too long! Keep game nights brief—it’s better for everyone if you agree on an allotted time before you start playing so nobody feels stuck there if things start dragging on. That way, everyone will have more incentive to keep things moving and stay engaged throughout. And if you still feel like talking after the timer runs out, move into another room and chat away!

Family game night should be a chance for parents and children alike to relax and have some fun together as a unit — so make sure it’s enjoyable for everyone involved, including your teenagers! With these tips in mind, we’re sure you’ll be able to make every family game night something special that even your teens look forward to attending. So go ahead — take advantage of this opportunity and try it tonight! Who knows? You may be surprised by how much they enjoy it!


  1. Cortland Area Communities That Care (CACTC). Results and Analysis:

The 2021 Cortland County Youth Survey. May 17,
