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4 Healthy Habits to Help Teenagers Thrive During the Holidays

4 Healthy Habits to Help Teenagers Thrive During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can be stressful, especially for teenagers. Between shopping and family gatherings, your teen may be feeling overwhelmed. Here are some tips to help them stay healthy this holiday season so they can make the most of all the festivities! 

Be Present in the Moment 

During the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in present-buying or making sure everything is perfect. Encourage your teen to take a step back and really enjoy the moment. This could mean taking time each day to meditate or practice yoga, or simply going for a walk in nature and taking some deep breaths. Having some “me time” can help your teen relax and reduce their stress levels during this hectic period. 

Set Boundaries 

It’s important for teens to have boundaries when it comes to how much they participate in activities during the holidays. Encourage them to say no if they feel like they’ve taken on too much work or don’t have enough energy left for something else. If they do choose to take on extra tasks, make sure they prioritize self-care and find ways to balance out their commitments with moments of rest throughout the week. 

Stay Active 

Encouraging your teen to stay active during the holidays is important for both their physical and mental health. Exercise releases endorphins which boost mood levels, so even if your teen doesn’t have time for an hour-long gym session every day, suggest that they go for a quick jog around the block or do a few jumping jacks between tasks. Even just 10 minutes of exercise can make a big difference!  

Eat Healthy Foods 

It may seem counterintuitive during such a food-focused season, but try to encourage your teen not to overindulge too much in unhealthy foods (even though we all know how tempting this can be!). Instead, suggest that they fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins like fish and chicken breast. Eating right will give them more energy throughout their busy days so that they remain productive and alert without crashing from sugar highs later on! 

The holiday season is full of fun activities but it can also be very overwhelming for teenagers who are trying to juggle schoolwork as well as family gatherings and shopping trips. By encouraging healthy habits such as exercising regularly, managing stress levels with mindfulness practices, setting clear boundaries about what activities you will partake in, and eating nutritious meals throughout the holidays–you can help your teenager thrive this holiday season!