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Four Facts About Teen Marijuana Use in Cortland County

Four Facts About Teen Marijuana Use in Cortland County

With news of the legalization of cannabis for adult use in New York State, we are suddenly being bombarded with questions about youth marijuana use here in Cortland County. As you are all well aware (if you’ve been reading my blogs over the past couple of months) we are more than happy to share data on the topic! All of these statistics are from the 2020 youth survey of over 1,800 Cortland County 7th-12th graders.

Pssst. If you are worried kids lie on the survey, check out this blog:

#1: Most 7th-12th graders in Cortland County did not report using marijuana in the past month

Sometimes it’s easy to get into our heads that everybody is using marijuana—including teens—but that is simply not true here in Cortland County. In 2020, 90% of 7th-12th graders here in Cortland County did not report using marijuana in the past month. From 2016-2019 marijuana use was on the rise in Cortland County youth, but when you look at the overall trend since 2014, reported marijuana use has generally been declining for the past seven years.

#2: More teens report alcohol, vaping, and cigarettes are risky to use than marijuana

If teens perceive that substances are risky, they are less likely to use that substance. When we look at this year’s data, only 48.5% of 7th-12th graders think someone is at moderate or great risk if they use marijuana once or twice a week. Compared to 62.7% thinking it’s risky to binge drink twice a week, 72.8% reporting it’s risky to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, 74.3% reporting it’s risky to vape a cartridge a week.

Parents—educate your teens that marijuana use can impact their schoolwork, athletics, and mental health just like alcohol and other substances.

#3: 43.1% of Cortland County teens overestimate how many of their peers have used marijuana in the past month

Teens often incorrectly assume that “everybody’s doing it” when it comes to drug use. But we know from our data (see fact #1!) that most teens here in Cortland County do not use marijuana. If teens have the incorrect assumption that their peers are using marijuana (even if they are not) it can increase the chances that they will try it out themselves.

#4: Most teens think it is hard to access marijuana

Preventing access is a number one way to prevent teens from using marijuana. In 2020, 68.1% of teens reported that it would be hard or very hard for them to access marijuana if they wanted it.

Some community members have concerns that, with legalization for adult use, teens will be more likely to access marijuana. There is conflicting research as to whether or not legalization for adult use has contributed to increase in youth marijuana use in other states. However, ensuring that most teens continue to find it difficult to access marijuana in Cortland County should be a priority for parents and community members.