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“Chalk the Walk” with your Teen this Weekend for Suicide Prevention

“Chalk the Walk” with your Teen this Weekend for Suicide Prevention

Did you know that there is a group of school officials, health and human services workers, and community members who meet every month to strategize ways we can prevent suicide in our community? This group—dubbed SPEAK UP Cortland—is particularly concerned with middle school and high school age kids in our community who are at risk for suicide.

In 2019, 24.3% of 7th-12th graders in Cortland County reported seriously considering attempting suicide at least one time in the past year and 9.4% reported actually attempting suicide. SPEAK UP Cortland is on a mission to reduce suicide ideation and suicide attempts in our local youth!

September is Suicide Prevention Month and the SPEAK UP Cortland Coalition is encouraging community members to raise awareness by using sidewalk chalk to spread inspirational and hopeful messages across our community.

I just checked the weather and it’s going to be a in the high 70s this Saturday and Sunday with virtually NO chance of precipitation—perfect side-walk-chalking weather! Get your teen outside and use this as an opportunity to spend some quality time together and communicate to your teen that you are available to talk about tough topics like suicide with them.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention suggests that a good way to start conversations about mental health and suicide with teens is to simply ask your teen what is going on in their life, what their concerns are, and if they are okay.1 If your teen pushes away the idea of talking let them know you are there for them if they ever need someone to listen and support them.1

Follow these steps to join in the community effort to raise awareness about suicide prevention:

  1. Dig through your closet, junk drawer, or garage to pull out all the old, half broken pieces of sidewalk chalk you can find (talk about nostalgia for you and your teen!).
  2. Think of your own message or use one of the examples below.
  3. Chalk the Walk—be creative in how your present your message on your sidewalk.
  4. If you want to spread the message even further (and possibly win a $20 gift card to Bru 64), take a photo and share with the SPEAK UP Coalition on Facebook (tag SPEAK UP Cortland and #SPEAK UP).
  5. Follow SPEAK UP Cortland on Facebook for more updates about suicide prevention in our community!

Note: THERE ARE PRIZES! Three winners will receive $20 gift cards to Bru64 (Yum!) for the following categories; most thoughtful, most liked on Facebook, and most creative!

If you and your teen need some inspiration try one of these messages that UHS employees in Broome County shared last week:2

  • You Are Not Alone
  • Don’t Give Up
  • You Are Brave
  • Let the World See You Shine
  • You Matter
  • Better Days are Ahead


1.Teens and Suicide: What Parents Should Know. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

2.Artists Would Leave Messages of Hope in Chalk. United Health Services.